Welcome to the Emotional Freedom Academy. This school offers EFT tapping courses on various topics to help you find more freedom in your life. You are in the right place if you would like to learn more about the "What, When, Where, How, and Why" of EFT. You are also in the right place if you would like someone to guide you through these specific tapping sequences with a well thought out road map. You will learn a lot, and you will also be guided on this path.
"Tapping with Steph is fun and it actually makes me laugh when I hear my limiting beliefs out loud. When I tap I can feel them releasing and it feels good to be free of my negative thoughts as I know they are just passing through and not the truth."
Hi, I’m Steph
Steph is an EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and founder of the Emotional Freedom Academy. Steph has 15 years experience as a Wellness Coach, Health Educator & Holistic Nutritionist and found the missing component to success for most is the emotional component behind lifestyle choices. This is why she has fallen completely in love with EFT, created “Tapping with Steph” YouTube channel, and is passionate about helping others break through limiting beliefs with these powerful and life changing tools. She also is the Author of “From Heartbreak to Soulmate with the Magic of Tapping” on the DailyOM and teaches EFT Level 1 & 2 in Sacramento, Ca and Virtually via Zoom video conference.